22 noviembre 2008

Legal terminology "violate"

(verb) to contravene or go against.
"His actions clearly violate the express terms of the agreement."

breach: "The manufacturer breached the warranty by refusing to repair the car."
contravene: "The company's failure to provide a certified translation of the articles of association contravened the provisions of the Companies Act."

comply: "The company's attorneys carefully reviewed the proposed tender offer to ensure that the company complied with the Securities Act."
obey: "It is vital that you obey the court's order to produce the documents."

Other forms of the word
violation (noun) offence, breach, infringement. "Any violation of the general prohibition against insider trading may lead to a prison sentence of up to six years."

Related words and concepts
infringe (noun) to violate a right. Used especially in the context of a violation of a copyright, patent or trade mark. "The claimant argued that the defendant infringed its copyright by using the software without its consent."

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