23 julio 2021

What Does S.S. mean on the Notarial Certificate? --- STATE OF: California - COUNTY OF: Anaheim S.S.

☝Many documents, especially those generated by banks and similar institutions, display the symbol "S.S." adjacent to the blanks for venue information (State of _______, County of _______ )

👀In fact, "S.S." is the abbreviation for "scilicet -- a Latin term meaning👉 "namely" or "in particular" adjacent to the blanks for venue information (State of _______, County of _______. It is the predecessor of today's familiar, and required, venue element.

------ Here’s a venue example we found in one state’s online notary manual:


       State of _________
      County of ________ S.S. (Town/City)

In this usage, the scilicet (remember, it means “namely” or “in particular”) indicates that the notary should further specify the venue by including the town or city name following the county name.

Source: https://www.asnnotary.org/?form=scilicetwhatdoesitmean