27 mayo 2014


Iniciamos el jueves 5 de junio, 17:30 a 19:30 hrs., Sala Sidney, Business Centre, Diagonal 6, 12-42 zona 10, 4o. nivel, Torre II, Edificio Design Center. Última fecha para reservar cupo: viernes 30 de mayo.

Solicite prueba diagnóstica sin costo para determinar su nivel de inglés intermedio o avanzado a tradprof@gmail.com

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15 mayo 2014

"El oficio de la traducción es un acto de amor porque ama la lengua y la palabra" - Cultura - Salamanca24horas.com - Periódico líder digital de Salamanca

"El oficio de la traducción es un acto de amor porque ama la lengua y la palabra" - Cultura - Salamanca24horas.com - Periódico líder digital de Salamanca

Why go to school when learning is missing? - Shannon May - Learning Jour...

This experience shared by Ms. Shannon May is really impressive. How come students are bored in the classroom if they do have desks, texts, and notebooks? She confirms that if education contents are not linked to actual needs and feasible objectives in students' and community life, no matter how "nice and equipped" a school can be, students will drop out and not show up since teaching may be present but learning is missing... so teacher vocation and training are essential in any educational program.